
A Checklist For Selling Your House And Buying Your New Dream Home

Anyone can use the lists below from the person who is a first-time home buyer or the seasoned seller and buyer. Use it as you like; it’s to support you in your journey to selling or buying your home.


  1. Find out Your Mortgage payout
  2. Get a market evaluation
  3. Count the cost:
  4. Real Estate costs
  5. Legal fees
  6. Advertising fees
  7. Inspectors
  8. Surveyors
  9. Stager
  10. Prepare Your House for Sale
  11. Decide to do minor renovations
  12. Depersonalize your home
  13. Keep all the lights enduring the showings
  14. Keep a clean smell, but no fragrances
  15. Keep pets out of the house
  16. Take out all garbage
  17. Clean yard and landscaping
  18. A tidy and organized house
  19. Consider the best offer
  20. Is it within the time frame I want?
  21. Is it the price I want?
  22. Do they have unrealistic conditions?
  23. Are you looking for people to bid?


  1. Talk to your local mortgage broker about a pre-approval. They’ll look at
  2. Income
  3. Downpayment
  4. Credit score
  5. Discuss the options you have with your real estate agent on the pre-approval amount you’ve got.
  6. Decide on property features
  7. What kind of community do you want to move to?
  8. Are you looking to move closer to a school?
  9. Move closer to family?
  10. Move closer to work?
  11. Are you looking to increase the size?
  12. Are you looking for something more manageable in size?
  13. Do you want a place to work out?
  14. Are you looking for a pool in the backyard?
  15. Are you looking for a place to garden?
  16. Going to Showings, take notes, and rate each property
  17. Submitting an offer
  18. Are you going to bid for your next house?
  19. Are you looking to submit an offer on a house with no other competing offers?
  20. Fulfilling conditions, layout conditions in your favor
  21. Ensure they clean the property of any debris, and it swept
  22. Be ready to get an inspector
  23. Get ready to get a surveyor
  24. Talk to your mortgage broker about fulling the financing you got pre-approved for
  25. Are you submitting no conditions? Remember, it’s an attractive offer for the seller, however risky for the buyer.
  26. Prepare for closing, stay in good communication with all parties involved
  27. Your realtor
  28. Your mortgage broker
  29. Your insurance company
  30. Your lawyer
  31. Keep in mind fees that will come at closing, lawyer fees, and land transfer tax.


  1. Consider getting a professional cleaner to freshen up your new home before moving in, even fumigation, pest control, or other services to clear your home
  2. Consider renovations before moving. Renovations can be as minor as painting or as significant as gutting the entire house; it’s up to you
  3. Tips on moving
  4. create a checklist
  5. notify people and companies where you’re moving
  6. declutter before you start packing
  7. invest in quality moving boxes
  8. have different colour packing labels
  9. use the correct size box
  10. don’t leave space in the box
  11. take your time and be organized

Print this out, or bookmark it on your computer; this checklist empowers you to make sure you have everything you need to sell your home successfully and buy your next home with confidence.

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